A Matter Of Perspective

To often we tend to fixate on the things we lack, be it riches,property, possessions or toys. Often we under appreciate the simple things in life, one of the most important being our health. In terms of athletics we always push ourselves to be better; to be stronger, faster and tougher. Expectations can be damning. Sometimes it`s good to step back and just appreciate the fact WE CAN participate and compete, regardless of where we place or how good we do. The lad in the picture(sitting)is a disabled adolescent, with a lack of motor function on one side of his body. Regardless of his disability he decided to learn how to downhill ski this past winter. Courageous when you realize skiing is all about core strength,flexibility and body positioning. Thanks to my fellow bike club member, ski instructor and spin class buddy Adrien I was privy to this inspirational story. Faced with a huge obstacle he accepted the challenge smiling and, with patience beyond his years,remained positive and up...