Allergy -Snotty, Stuffy and Gaspy

Have I developed a late life allergy? I rarely get sick with colds and the flu but this Spring I contracted what I thought was a sinus cold. It just would not quit and I began to question the symptoms. Lungs felt fine but I had tightness in my upper chest airways along with a periodic dry cough. Runny nose along with pressure in the sinuses. What got me thinking it was something else was my eyes. They were not always itchy or watery but rather my vision felt "off" some days. Things were just a little fuzzy as if my eyes were tired. That feeling you get if you have been staring at a computer screen for a long time. That made me remember last summer when I developed an issue with my right eye after working the farm one Saturday. Felt like I may have gotten something in my eye while cutting shrubs and alders. Eventually the white of my eye swelled up to the point it was protruding over the bottom lid. Very painful and uncomfortable. I consulted a doc...