Nightshade Intolerance - Tip Toeing Through the Potato Field

Several years ago when I completely flipped my diet to a paleo way of eating I avoided potatoes. Part of my research had led me to the nightshade variety of vegetables/fruits and how they are problematic for many folks in terms of allergies or intolerances. Over time my diet has evolved from a strict Paleo world view towards a more balanced simple traditional approach to nutrition based on the foods that work for you and those that do not. It evolved into a long term process that used experimentation and trial and error to determine foods that suited me. I do not adhere to cookie cutter nutrition but rather believe each person is different and needs to develop a personalized way of eating. The potato was one such food that I determined did not really work for me. I am not allergic per say to the spud but definitely have a tipping point...