Tight Hip Flexors-Weak Glutes Part Two - Hockey Goaltending

Having determined that I suffered shortened hip flexors and weak glutes I began a new regimen at the gym to address the issue. Not only was it focused upon lengthening/stretching the hip flexors but also included exercises to activate the glutes, restore lower body balance and improve my overall leg and core strength. http://rolfdevinci.blogspot.ca/2017/08/tight-hip-flexors-weak-glutes-who-knew.html To recap the issue is this..... "Prolonged sitting and activities like jogging and cycling can lead to tight hip flexors and muscle imbalances (weak glutes?) which contribute to low back pain. Tight hip flexors create an anterior pull on the pelvis known as an anterior pelvic tilt. This alters posture and also inhibits, or turns off, the opposing muscle group, the gluteus maximus, leading to muscle imbalances...." Cooper Institute Two months into my new approach I have realized excellent results. Not o...