Chain Maile Chausses

Received the last piece of maile required for my replica 12th century medieval kit this week and was curious but also anxious of the fit. Therein lies the issue with modern armor recreations bought off the internet as items are usually produced in Asia and sizing can be hit or miss. They are mass produced and usually tagged with the "one size all" label which can be problematic. There is a reason why hardcore re-inactors or HEMA participants spend the coin for custom pieces. My suspicions were confirmed with the first attempt to suspend the chausses. The upper legs were snug but there was more than enough maile around the back of the knee and lower legs. Length was also an issue. You know what that means.......DIY modifications! Before I proceeded with the modifications I removed most of the foot maile to make the chausses a rough serviceable length as I had no intent on covering all the foot or creating an integral shoe.I also removed the maile belt hoops. Not onl...