Armor Up -12th Century Europe

Gearing up a 12th century knight/ Man at Arms. The 12th century witnessed the martial influence of the Norman's within Western Europe in regards to the use of full body chain mail and the shared experiences from the Crusades contributing the use of surcoats and the development of pot, sugarloaf and flat top helmets. It was also the beginnings of heraldry and the advancements of rudimentary plate armor. Gambeson quilted leg and chain mail chausses belted over hose, braies and linen undershirt. Suspended from a belt or a type of girdle the chain mail chausses were also supported by ties below the knee and above the ankles. Quilted gambeson and padded forearm vambraces. Gambesons began to get longer with full sleeves in response to improved chain mail 3/4 length haubergeons developed and used by Norman cavalry. Chain mail hauberk. By the end of the 12th century the 4 in 1 pattern chain mail hauberk had evolved into the 3/4 length haubergeon, often with a front/ back split to facilitat...