Cold Steel Scottish Broadsword

Having managed to somehow find full time work in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic I was financially able to expand my armory with a purchase of the Cold Steel Scottish broadsword. An iconic weapon of the 18th century Highlander the basket hilted sword is synonymous with all things Scottish and as recognizable as kilts and tartans. Having some Scottish lineage - a grandfather belonging to the highland Morrison clan I have always been intrigued by the history and culture of Scotland. I had been considering a basket hilt for awhile and my choices came down to the Cold Steel broadsword or a Hanwei offering; either the broadsword or backsword. I wanted to support a Canadan retailer in these troubled times by supporting local, regional or national companies as businesses are struggling during the economic impact of the pandemic. Eventually I discovered Dragon Impact online via Amazon, a business based on the West Coast who had one remaining...