Alibow Turkish Bow

Ordered a Turkish bow from Alibow, a traditional archery company based out of China. Renown for quality and performance the entry level fiberglass bow has been garnering positive reviews online, specifically from Armin at Malta Archery, an excellent You Tube resource for instinctive archery. Arrived here in Halifax, NS Canada in just over a month well packaged and included the bow, string and black bow sleeve with Alibow's signature single red stripe. Intial impression was excellent for a $70 (USD) Turkish style horse bow #45@28. Fit and finish was very nicely done with integrated string bridges, nicely designed syriahs and a quality brown leather wrap. Bow is light and felt very comfortable in the hand with a smooth draw experience to full draw. The rain held off so I was able to get out under the green the following morning to loose some arrows. The bow did not disappoint and was smooth, accurate and powerful...