Resurrection- First Anniversary

A year today I was in the initial throes of a medical crisis. At some point on December 26,2021 a chronic subdural hematoma became critical, and I began a descent into a dark place. I have no recollections of the events leading up to my neurosurgery on the morning of December 28th. To date I still have no memories of what happened during those lost hours. Perhaps that is a blessing? I am just thankful that on boxing day evening and the following Monday my impaired cognitive functioning did not lead to bad decisions that could have placed others at harm. It still haunts me what could have happened had I attempted to drive that day. At some point I think I just went to bed where my spouse found me after getting off work. Suspecting something was wrong she attempted to wake me only to realize I was in crisis. Subsequently rushed to the emergency room on the night of the 27th with neurosurgery in the wee hours of December 28 I was fortunate that I avoided a stroke and permanent disabi...