Pompei Gladius - Deepeeka

Purchased a Pompei Gladius from Reliks as a gift to myself and as an addition to the existing Roman panoply in the armory. Years ago my son had bought a legionary kit and while most of the pieces were historically accurate (in a modern reproduction sense) the gladius was a stainless steel wall hanger. I figured it was time to upgrade the kit with an appropriate blade for an enlisted Roman legionary. I opted for the Deepeeka gladius as it fitted the criteria perfectly - a simple but functional sword that was historically accurate. Made of EN45 carbon steel with a full tang diamond cross section, a guard, grip and hilt made of wood and a wood lined leather scabbard with simple bronzed accents. Nothing special but rather a working soldier's blade. The price was right as well listed at $153.99 CDN. That said the fit and finish is surprisingly good for such a budget gladius. The gladius is straight with some ripples upon the blade which denotes a hand forging. It possesses a poin...