Club Me! A History.

After my first year on the road bike I joined a local cycling club. In hinesight it was the best decision I ever made in regards to experiencing the whole cycling lifestyle.
The club,Bicycles Plus Cycling Club (BPCC),is based out of the shop in Bedford Nova Scotia. Our demographic is varied with both male and female cyclists ranging in ages from teenagers to 50+ riders. We offer a weekly Saturday all skills, no drop ride and a variety of ad hoc rides organized by the club executive and/or members throughout the week facilitated by Paceline, our MSN group communication tool.
The club also advocates racing in conjunction with Bicycle Nova Scotia and the blue racing kit is often seen at local races with strong representation in the women`s field and Men`s Senior and Master categories.
I did my first road race at Riverport in 2004 and had great expectations for the 2005 season. After riding the AMP Super Criterium in April and the Truro crit in May I discovered the crack on my frame and lost 6 weeks of the season waiting for my replacement frame.As a result I missed the "meat" of the racing schedule.Only two weeks after I was back on the road I crashed over wet railway tracks during a fast training ride in mid July. The bike was OK(whew) but I suffered a mild concussion(bike helmets DO work!!!!),2 jammed vetebrae in my neck, road rash on my shoulder and leg and a nasty hematoma on my hip.(see pic)
Sadly, on that same day and ride, my best friend passed away from a previously undiagnosed heart problem. Oddly enough Garfield succumbed to a heart attack just beyond the railway tracks where I crashed. Had I been more seriously hurt or had pride not made me get "back on the bike" and ride off immediately after the fall we(a group of 10 riders) may well have been there to lend assistance. It still kinda haunts me.
That said his widow told me that the doctors said it was "catastrophic" and no one would have been able to save him. I miss him alot. We were pretty much inseparable on club rides.(see pic - Garfield at start line of 2005 Truro Crit)
Needless to say the 2005 season was miserable so I am really seeking redemption this summer. I was elected as the VP of the club at the AGM in February so it`s been a bit of a learning curve. First race is on April 30 and I`m really not close to being ready for it. It`s hard to find training time between work and family obligations. Up until Saturday April 15 I had not completed a fast training ride in 2006. Training has essentially been hard efforts in spin classes. Methinks I have some serious suffering to do
Alas.......this too shall pass.