Halifax Criterium

Every year in the history of the modern Halifax Crit it has rained. It looked like we might actually see nice weather today but, alas, Mother Nature once again rained on our parade.
The Juniors/Novice and Master B/C cats lucked out. We were the first two races on the schedule and had almost perfect weather....overcast but dry. In fact I was heading back to the Halifax Armouries to change after the Master`s race when it started to rain. Whew!
The Master B/C race got off to a good start. We had six cyclists out of a field of 20(ish) riders so were in good shape to control the race. Unfortunately we did not take advantage of the situation. Was it because our guys spent themselves on a tough race in Wolfville yesterday? Was it a case of the squad not willing to work together? With about 12 minutes left in the 40 minute race(plus two laps)a two man breakaway went off the front. A couple riders, myself included, tried to rally the troops by working up front and attempted to bridge to the breakaway but got little support from the peleton. The two flyers up front rode in for first and second and there was a bunch sprint for the remaining spots.
While I was happy with my race I was kinda annoyed that we let a breakaway literally "soft pedal" for the first two placings. I had gone off the front three times, once being to bring back an early flyer off the front. The other two were to support a teammate who was hanging off the front and the last was a desperate, suicide attack on the last lap in a attempt to bridge the gap to the eventual winner.
Oh well...that`s racing. At least I was up front and led some of the race so I guess I had my five seconds of glory. It`s all for fun anyway.....lol. That said my attack on the last lap meant that I crossed the line last on the tail of the main pack. Oh well........it`s all good!
BTW - Considering I lost my contact lense on my right eye halfway through the race and we were making right handed turns on the course I think I faired pretty good. Luke - let the force guide you......(wink)
PICS - Moi - cornering in the middle of the pack. This was the toughest corner as my grim faced expression probably indicates.
Me, albeit small, waiting for the call up to the start line.
Barry and myself doing a warmup lap