Family, Aspotogan and ad hoc ITT.

The long weekend.......not too shabby! Got in a good club ride on Saturday, visited my sister(see pic...Cari and my daughter) and hubby down from Montreal at a family BBQ along with the rest of the clan. It was fun and good to see everyone. I know......I`m only an hour away and should get down more often.
Sunday the club did the Aspotogan loop with a 9AM start from Tantallon.Due to my family commitments I needed to get home by 1PM and a delayed start and a couple unplanned stops meant I rode the last half of the ride(40K)solo in what amounted to an ad hoc time trial. Fitting, I suppose, since today was scheduled the cancelled 2UP time trial.
I rode the first 20K with a slower rider but quickly jumped in with the fast boys at the first stop. Whew! It was race speed and certainly gave me a way of benchmarking my mid season form. The legs felt strong. Unfortunately I got caught behind a slower rider and lost touch with the group on a climb but decided to chase. I`d get close but then another hill shot me off the back so I guess I was doing my best Thomas Voekler impersonation. After about 12K I simply couldn`t work as efficiently as a group of 7 riders and lost touch on the hilly section of the loop. Out of sight signals a deathnell to any bridging attempt. At that point I decided not to sit up and wait for the rest of the club since I was behind schedule and switched into time trial mode.
Managed to keep the tempo pretty high back to the car in Tantallon but the legs are concrete pillars tonight. I forgot to reset my computer but between the Saturday club ride and todays adventure I got in 138 K`s with a 31kph average. I sure would like to know what the average was while riding with the hammerheads but dummy me keeps forgetting about reseting his bike computer.