ITT Official time and BNS Overall Points total.

My official time for the 40K Provincial time trial was 67.58 which roughly translates into 35.5kph. That`s right around where I expected to be for my first ITT.
One lesson learned was the advantage of zooming in your aero position. My aerobars were not the adjustable type so I resorted to cutting them down but never did achieve a good setup. Heading into the 2007 season I intend to replace them with appropriate bars and, hopefully, outfit myself with a skinsuit and aero ITT helmet.
In the perfect world a specific time trialing bike would be nice but unlikely. Never say never
With the cancelling of the Wentworth road race the 2006 schedule has come to an end. It was a good year for me with some strong riding in both the Provincial road race, Halifax crit and Provincial ITT.I ended up placed mid pack in the Master B Cat in the overall BNS point series.