Between The Pipes`s time to refocus and start planning for the 2007 cycling season. I`m back on a sound nutritional footing, feeling confident and was back playing ball hockey today after a 2 week holiday break.
It went well. I played OK considering I wore my contacts rather than eyeglasses. Usually the dust stirred up in the gym causes me discomfort but it wasn`t too bad today. I had some difficulties focusing on slap shots from over half (and let in a few soft goals) but it was a definite improvement overall.
My knee is feeling a little wonky tonight......more like stiffness in the lower right quad. Hopefully that is nothing to worry about. I don`t recall doing anything during the game but it is a little sore.
Wow! The weather? Go figure. January in Canada and we have temps well above 0C.It was windy today which brought it down to close to 3C. Had it not been for the gusty conditions and my commitment to the guys at hockey I definitely would have wanted to cycle. If this keeps up it may be cycling season sooner than anyone expected. That said I`m sure Mother Nature will dispense some payback eventually.Time to get my club membership and BNS race license sorted just in case tho..........(wink).