Retail Therapy, Gym Work and Geo`s Fav Pics Part 4

Nice! Customer apreciation night at the shop last night. Lots of fun with good company, food, music and great deals on bike gear. Nothing like some retail therapy to chase away the late winter blues. Ended up getting a new computer, new cleats for my Keo pedals and another lid. A Bell Sweep in CSC colors. Not only will it be a perfect match to my CSC jersey but also matches my Devinci kit.(see pic)
Got to the gym tonight for an extended workout. Began with core work using the Swiss ball and medicine ball followed by a 45 minute spin class then ended with an upper and lower body weight workout. Feels awesome.
OK.......start line at 2005 Halifax Crit. Master A/B/C and Senior 4. I was just beside the scaffolding on which stood the commissar who was adressing the riders prior to the start.