
In the mail today came an update from Foster Parents Plan about my foster child. Seems Djouwera(lives in Togo)has graduated from the sponsorship program having reached the age of 18. Wow! Where did the years go? I knew it was only a matter of time and I wish her, her family and village all the best. I hope I made some positive difference in their lives.The last picture I have of her(below) shows a smile that speaks volumes.
With any end comes a new beginning and I now have a new foster child. Her name is Mitu, she is 5 years old and lives in the urban sprawl that is(greater)Dhaka, Bangladesh.She has both parents and a younger brother. She is currently in good health and is attending preschool.
Such a pretty girl albeit with deep expressive eyes of sorrow. We`ll,hopefully, change that look to one of hope and happiness.
Take care,