Breast Cancer And High Fat Diets - Fact Or Fiction?

It seems Denise Minger, fresh off the critique of the China Study, has once again flexed her investigative prowess to examine the American Journal of Pathology's mice study regarding breast cancer's relationship to high fat/cholesterol diets.

 Mark's Daily Apple has blogged an excellent summary of the critique and concludes with a quote I find quite amusing.....

"The only things saving this study from that slush pile are the three nuggets of wisdom it confers: Don’t be born a tumor-prone mouse, don’t eat a foodless diet based on table sugar and casein, and read the full text of studies before letting news headlines make you nervous."

An excellent quick read........

Many thanks to researchers like Ms. Minger who tackle these complex scientific studies and can break down the data so us plebian folk can comprehend the science and, to quote Thomas Dolby, not be "blinded" by it. Denise can be found here......

 We are what we eat so eat right!


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