Tri Laminated English Longbow

Having sold some of my surplus cycling gear and parts I decided to complete my traditional archery collection with the purchase of an English longbow. Traditional archery, especially in a historical context, has always been a favorite subject and nothing speaks history like the venerable longbow. As an "off the knuckle" archer I had acquired an American flatbow, Hungarian and Mongolian horsebows but was missing a traditional D shaped longbow. Traditionally the best bows were crafted from Yew but it is now a rare and expensive wood. Modern bowyer techniques can reproduce the special qualities of yew through the use of lamination. They still adhere to the rules of the English Longbow Society but are built using modern methods and materials. Opted to pick up a tri laminated "68" inch longbow from Ebay seller Archery Bowman, an American based bowyer with excellent feedback... The description is as follows..... "This bow is made with a touch of recurve...