Sardines - Little Big Fish!
I know what you are thinking - sardines! Yuck! Before you pass judgement give this a read. They do require a bit of an acquired taste but are well worth the effort.
Little BIG Fish
From the Clupeidae family sardines offer lots of nutritional value in such a small package. Loaded with vitamins and minerals they pack a serious punch.....
"Canned sardines contain energy, protein, lipid or fat, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Vitamins in sardines include thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, A, D, E and vitamin K. The fatty acids found in them include total saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and cholesterol."
Better yet is their small stature offers three additional benefits; they are relatively mercury free due to their shorter lifespans, canned sardines include their bones which are small and soft enough to eat with no issues(a better "nose to tail" nutritional profile) and are cheap.
As a sidebar if they are captured using a purse seine there is very little by-catch so they are a better environmentally friendly choice.
How good are they and what health benefits do they offer?
What Kind to Buy?
There are a legion of options. I prefer the varieties packed in water as you get all the benefits but not the added calories of oils or flavorings like mustard, lemon or hot sauce. Sardines packed in olive oil may be more expensive but far better than cheaper ones in soya oil. That said if you need to mask the fishy flavor with oils/added flavors then so be it.
They taste fishy!
Yes they do...they are fish after all. If you don`t mind the price increase opt for the Brisling variety of North Sea/Baltic sardines packed in extra virgin olive oil. Not only are they delicious but have little after taste. In my opinion they are the "caviar" of sardines. A perfect choice for the discriminating fish eater.
Little BIG Fish
From the Clupeidae family sardines offer lots of nutritional value in such a small package. Loaded with vitamins and minerals they pack a serious punch.....
"Canned sardines contain energy, protein, lipid or fat, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Vitamins in sardines include thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, A, D, E and vitamin K. The fatty acids found in them include total saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and cholesterol."
Better yet is their small stature offers three additional benefits; they are relatively mercury free due to their shorter lifespans, canned sardines include their bones which are small and soft enough to eat with no issues(a better "nose to tail" nutritional profile) and are cheap.
As a sidebar if they are captured using a purse seine there is very little by-catch so they are a better environmentally friendly choice.
How good are they and what health benefits do they offer?
What Kind to Buy?
There are a legion of options. I prefer the varieties packed in water as you get all the benefits but not the added calories of oils or flavorings like mustard, lemon or hot sauce. Sardines packed in olive oil may be more expensive but far better than cheaper ones in soya oil. That said if you need to mask the fishy flavor with oils/added flavors then so be it.
They taste fishy!
Yes they do...they are fish after all. If you don`t mind the price increase opt for the Brisling variety of North Sea/Baltic sardines packed in extra virgin olive oil. Not only are they delicious but have little after taste. In my opinion they are the "caviar" of sardines. A perfect choice for the discriminating fish eater.