C&D - Ciao!

Perhaps "arse over kettle" award was an appropriate name for my surprise gift last night at CF and DM's going away party. Too funny. My proverbial pound of flesh from the Hyundai Tiberon that took a bite out of me last October. Leave it to a clubmate to gather up some of the debris so I would have the signal light housing as a reminder of the infamous day. C and D holding bike Far more important than my tongue in cheek award presentation was the reason many BPCCers gathered on a Sunday night. Sadly both CF and DM are leaving us to relocate across the pond to England where DM has accepted employment in the UK. I'm sure there was a collective "uh oh" the day the club forum posting confirmed the news. Both C and D have dedicated themselves to the "blue train" and have represented the club with nothing but class. From my reckoning this is akin to the BPCC version of the Mayan Calender's apopocalyptic vision. CF will leave ...