Food For Thought - Fasted, Low Glycogen Training And Endurance Sports
Fasted Training Found this posting on Martin Berkhan's Leangains website and is definitely food for thought.Results of a 2010 study by The Institute of Food Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. "The main findings of the present study were that: training in an overnight-fasted state enhances storage of muscle glycogen compared to training in the fed state; skeletal muscle of men and women respond differently in terms of oxidative activity to training in the fed and overnight-fasted state; and peak VO2 and peak power improved more when training in the fasted state compared to the fed state....." Martin provides an excellent synopsis of the study that has produced some very interesting results in terms of fasted training in regards to VO2Max, power and muscle glycogen. In a nutshell..... VO2 Max Increase - Fasted: +9.7% , Fed: +2.5% Muscle Glycogen Content Increase - F...