
Showing posts from December, 2012

Boxing Day Observations - In The Woods

After the dietary carnage of the last week I spent my Christmas day preparing a traditional meal of roasted turkey and all the fixings. It really is my favorite part of the holidays spending the day at home relaxing with some food and wine. So it is not a surprise I usually wake on Boxing Day feeling sluggish and achy. There was no exception this morning so I opted to take a hike through the woods since it was a glorious December morning. No wind and moderate winter temps combined with blue sky and sunshine meant I was keen to get some freah air. In fact the temperatures were surprisingly mild and on sun facing rock ledges there was actually Spring like melt. That melting did lead to some neat ice formations though....... There was a dusting of snow cover on the ground and was enough to determine the rabbits were active from all the prints found on small game trails. That said the big bad wolf...ok....coyotes (or dogs) were also around...

Intermittent Fasting,Inflammation and Injury

Having decided enough was enough and that it was time to ease back on my physical activities to facilitate the healing of my wonky shoulder I have opted to use the downtime to zoom in on my fasting regimen. I generally practice intermittent fasting five days a week using flexible eat windows. Some days may see longer or shorter fasts based upon how hungry I am, sporting activities and food availability. Since I am planning on keeping my physical activities to a bare minimum the next couple weeks I decided to really focus upon my fasting to avoid eating excess(crappy) calories so prevelant during the holiday season. On Monday I began increasing the duration of my daily fasting to twenty two hours using a two hour eat window in the evenings. As of this writing (Wednesday) my shoulder has improved greatly with a reduction in pain and an increase in mobility. Was it a result of limiting usage of my shoulder or did fasting contribut...

Shoulder To The Grindstone

I have been having issues with my left shoulder and neck. It began back in late Summer and has gotten progressively worse over the course of the Fall. What began as (probably) simple overuse has now gotten to the point of chronic discomfort and pain with an associated lack of mobility. I have managed to control the problem for the most part but it had become obvious yesterday that twice monthly chiropractic treatments, ice packs and topical gels can only offer temporary relief unless I address the underlying issue - overuse. I was sore after playing hockey Sunday afternoon and probably should not have even played last night. It was a frustrating evening in the ECBHL with me leaving before the game's end. I have been doing renovations on my mother's house which has included a variety of stoop labors, including landscaping, painting and stripping hardwood floors of carpet glue. Add to that my participation in ball hockey four times weekly, including twice on S...

ECBHL - In Pictures

I have had the camera with me of late at the East Coast Ball Hockey League and have been taking some shots while waiting for my game to start. It was challenging to get bicyling shots in the past and equally so trying to frame ball hockey action with my older Fujifilm digital. Some of the better shots....      

Hitting The Wall

Although it felt like a brick wall it was, in fact, a defenseman for the Spartan`s at the ECBHL last night. We both were chasing the loose ball along the boards - I as the forward attempting to gain the offensive zone while he was trying to clear the ball down the floor. CRASH! As we were both angling in on the ball at full speed my right shoulder impacted his left shoulder! We both took a couple steps back from the force of the collision but got right back into action. Isn`t exercise  induced endorphins a wonderful thing! Overheard someone on the sideline remark...."what a body check". Made me chuckle as I exchanged concerns with the other fella making sure all was OK as this is a non contact league.When the compete level is high there is always some kind of unintentional contact even in fun competitive sport. Gotta tell you I am feeling it today. Yes I was doing stoop labor scraping hardwood floors of carpet glue on Saturday and I did play go...

Traditional Archery - The Hunt For The Perfect Stump

After a sudden cold snap of late the temps warmed this Sunday so I opted to spend the morning exploring the local woods. The joy of living in Nova Scotia is the proximity of forests and woodlands - even here in Halifax. A short jaunt out to the highways opens the door to numerous powerlines, trails, logging and fire roads. I figured out rather quickly that side quivers are great for stationary archery in fields or on ranges but can be a royal pain when bushwhacking. Since I want to take advantage of the local woodlands to do some hiking and stump shooting I have decided to purchase a back quiver. It makes tromping through the woods much easier and opens up a vast range to explore while hunting the elusive deadfall and stump. Literally within walking distance of my home I found all kinds of trails and routes adjacent to the highway. Much is heavily bushed but you can find some real gems like this..... This was adjacent a network ...