Get Well Scott!

Found out today that a fellow club member whom I cycled with on Saturday went home and suffered a stroke later that evening. His wife is reporting that he is OK and is responding well. The doctors suggest his fitness has helped mitigate the effects and should speed his recovery.

After climbing the Fall River Hill I saw Scott at the Sobey`s parking lot where we all reform after the hill climb. I quipped he was so fast on the climb that I didn`t see him pass me.Turns out he said he was cramping in his quad and his knee was feeling wonky so he bypassed the hill and was waiting at the bottom for us.

We rode out to Laurie Park together and the next I saw him was as I was driving home and he was cycling back to Halifax.At that point he was biking along at a good tempo. Later that day we chatted via Facebook and I asked how he was feeling. His leg was still giving him grief but he thought it might be from a lack of stretching and overuse.

Who knew? To often athletes accept pain and discomfort as the side effects of sports. I guess we just tend to ignore symptoms for the most part.

At this point it sounds positive and he should be OK. I guess there is something to give thanks too on this long weekend. He`s a great guy and a credit to the club. Get well soon Dude!

Pic - Scott heading back to the city after the Twoonie Time trial - September 2007.



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