Blustery Club Ride, Huskies and Corned Beef.

Got out this morning for a chilly, blustery club ride in windy 2C(-4 with windchill). The winds were swirling so we had head, tail and cross winds depending on the direction we rode. The return from Laurie Park was nasty with primarily head winds, especially on Rockey Lake road.

I rode with an intermediate/fast group and we set a nice tempo/average speed despite the wind. Everyone rode well and it was quite the leg burner for this time of year. I`m feeling real good on the bike as of late and my climb over the Fall River hill was my best of the season.

Home to see the SMU huskies dominate the squad from Laval. SMU was up by 3 scores late in the 4th quarter so I assume they are off to the Vanier Cup in Toronto. I missed the last of the game as I needed to prepare supper........a traditional Nova Scotian blustery Fall day meal......corned beef and cabbage complete with potatoes and turnip.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Gonna pick up some cranberry juice to complement the Wyborowa vodka I purchased yesterday and settle in for some Hockey Night in Canada and see my Leafs get whipped by a dominant Ottawa squad. all good.



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