The Tour De Geo Day Two.TDW - Crucible Of The Sun

Home after a long day in the July sun at the Tour De Wenworth - our club`s stage race hosted in the ski capital of mainland Nova Scotia. The time trial went well but the stiff headwind after the turnaround and short climb to the finish made for some grim faces crossing the line.

A quick bite of food then off to my station at the bridge crossing to prepare for the 1PM road race start. It was a beautiful sunny day(28C - 30C)but with stiff winds to the chagrin of the racers. It was a godsend for me as the increasingly blustery weather kept the insects at bay and cooled off my location. Situated in a little valley along the Wentworth river it was a crucible of the sun with no cover or shade. I was on station from 1pm - 4pm at the mercy of the direct sunlight for the most part.

Managed to snap some photos while directing traffic as the racers passed across the one lane bridge. Most were with my old school film SLR but I did manage to get some digital shots as well. I will post up additional pics once I get the film developed later this week.

Home to a well deserved cold beer and the Tour De France rebroadcast. Nice!


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