Tour De Geo - Day One`s Fall From Grace
Today I officially started my second vacation week of 2008 and the Tour De Geo began with the usual Saturday club ride. I suppose,in recollection, the title should be edited to "Day One`s Fall" since I doubt I`ve ever found a state of grace.
After several days of recovery the legs felt real good this morning. It was a beautiful, hot sunny day and my ride out to the shop was nice. Once there I was chatting with some of the other riders, straddling the top tube with one foot clipped in my pedal. Lost in conversation I rocked the bike to my right and lost my balance and was unable to unclip my right foot.
Down I fall like a 206lb clydesdale and drove my knee and elbox into the pavement. Ended up with a nasty little puncture wound on my knee but the greatest damage was to my ego. Nothing like being a veteran cyclist pulling a newbie move.(sigh) fall from grace.
Despite a sore, bloody knee and road rash on my elbow the ride went well. I had the right stuff today and the second group on the road pushed hard all day. It`s nice to see the lads all improving as the season progresses.It makes for some fast, fun and safe cycling and gives all something to talk about during the post ride coffee at Tim Horton`s.
Home to a cold beer then a jaunt for ice cream and a swim at Maskwa later in the afternoon followed by spagetti and wine for supper on the sunny deck.Bruised ego aside it was a good first day of the Tour De Geo.
Tomorrow`s stage is a long one that involves no cycling. Our club is hosting the TdW - Tour de Wenworth - a stage race on July 13th. The morning will see a 17km time trial followed by the road race later in the afternoon. I am the holder for the ITT and one of the bridge marshalls coordinating racers and motorists both vieing for the same space on the single lane bridge crossing. I`ll have my camera so if traffic permits I`ll have some action shots for posting. Stay tuned!