
Showing posts from November, 2012

A November Sunday - Day In The Life.

The Morning Lets make this perfectly clear from the outset. Every day starts with coffee.Nuff said! Under cool temps but a clear blue sky I opted to head into the woods and loose some arrows. Best to take advantage of Fall archery weather before the cold winter temperatures arrive. Today's bow of choice was my composite Chinese recurve. Previously this month I had expanded my range to thirty yards which is a challenging distance for me to consistently hit my target (2X2 foot square). Typical of the Asian horse bows my Chinese recurve is short compared to a traditional long or flat bow but weighted at 55 pounds at a 28 draw it packs some decent punch. Loosing arrows at the edge of my comfort zone of 30 yards I did much better than I anticipated. I did make an effort to fix my anchor point consistently and focused upon my release which can be sloppy at times. As a result I was consistently on target(albeit pulling right for this se...

Springtime In November

Awoke today to a cloudy but balmy 12C and, due to a change in plans, did not have to head to Bridgewater to work on mother's house. I have been spending quite a few days on the property so having a holiday for play was a welcome change. What to do? It was at that moment I saw my neglected Giant hanging in the basement and figured it was a prime opportunity to get a road ride in the books since it has been well over two months since I last had it on the road. It did not take long to realize I love this bike, especially with SD's WMD wheels. Two months off the bike meant getting back on felt like a brand new experience after having become accustomed to my heavy Norco hard tail commute bike. The bike just wanted to go and the carbon wheels performed like a dream. The only thing holding me back were my legs. I now have ball hockey legs so my road cycling legs are in need of some work. The day turned out beautiful despite the forecast of cloud and overcast condi...