Roasted Pumpkin Seeds - Basse

 Discovered these seeds from Basse at Costco last year and they now reside in the kitchen pantry. Shelled, roasted and salted they are packed with  essential minerals required for maintaining good health; zinc and magnesium. They are also a good source of iron, fat and protein while having only one gram of sugar and five grams of carbs per serving. Certified organic and gluten free. They are also a good plant source of omega 3 fatty acids.

Magnesium and zinc are both essential for health. Magnesium supports nerve, bone, heart health and promotes muscle relaxation. It also maintains mineral balance within the body and supports hundreds of enzymatic functions.

Zinc is critical for a strong immune system. In this age of covid, flu and constantly mutating respiratory illnesses that alone makes a deficiency in zinc a serious concern. It is also important for normal growth, development and antioxidant support. Humans do not make zinc and similar to vitamin C must be gained through diet. It's not surprising that many are deficient of this critical mineral.

Through the lens of men's health both elements help maintain testosterone levels and zinc is particularly important for prostate health, especially in older males.

Magnesium and zinc also support each other.....absorbsion of both is improved when taken together although excessive zinc intake can be detrimental to that process. That is why I prefer to gain vitamins and minerals through food. Whether it's from some cosmic grand design or simply evolutionary processes many natural whole foods come prepackaged with a good balance of complimentary nutrients.

Caveat - check with your doctor if you are on diuretic or blood pressure medicines before consuming pumpkin seeds. Allergic reactions are rare but possible.

Roasted pumpkin seeds are delicious and one of the best nut/seed food choices. While all seeds and nuts contain some level of anti nutrients, specifically lectins, pumpkin seeds remain a solid choice over almonds, sunflower seeds and peanuts.


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